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Low Country Boil


Low Country Boil consisting of shrimp, sausage, red potatoes, corn on the cob, and low country seasonings. Includes salad, and any shared dessert you bring. We are targeting 1- 1:30 to start serving. $10 per person.

PS. Water will be provided but if you want anything else to drink, bring it!

Stay tuned… we’ll send more details via email.

Gene Miller Memorial Pursuit

Gene was a fixture at the sailing club, and one of his passions were the Pursuit events, one of the things he helped create. Gene spent many weekends at the club in his A frame camper and could often be seen out on the lake in his little yellow WindRider trimaran. He was always there to welcome new members, help you with a project, or at least tell you, multiple times, how to do it Gene’s way.

In his honor, the club is planning a memorial pursuit race Sunday July 3. All boat types are welcome. Handicapped starts will begin about 11:30- 12:00PM, a potluck supper will follow.

BTW, if you choose to enjoy an alcoholic beverage, drink a beer in Gene’s honor. Coors Light only… it was his thing!

Click me to indicate you’re attending the Pursuit on July 3.

Click me to indicate what you intend to bring to the potluck.

Volunteers: Thank you!!!!

A big THANK YOU to all of our volunteers!

So far we’ve managed to fully staff our twice-per-month Summer Series, and this is because volunteers chose to support our club (and enjoy a beautiful day on the lake while doing so). We’ve had a number of new folks participate, and the addition of the SailBot device (thank you David!) has made running races much easier and more intuitive. Overall the enthusiasm has been high, and we’ve had a few members who have helped in more than one event.

Want to volunteer for the Summer Series? Go to our Race Committee page and find a date that has available needs that suits your schedule. When you’ve decided on a suitable date (or dates), send me an email ( and let me know when and what RC spots in which you intend participate.

Racing Guy