Please plan to be at the club around 08:00. The expected tasks should take until 14:00, and we can certainly use your help!
Club will provide hot dogs & burgers for lunch. Please bring a dish to pass if you can.
Reminder: participation in clean-up days, volunteering to help at events or for race committees or bringing food, and helping with set up and cleanup at post-race socials helps to fulfill your service requirements to qualify for a front lot space or mooring.
The WSC will have a volunteer “Winter Work Day” on Saturday, February 3 with a rain date of February 10. Participation will count towards member’s volunteer commitment. If you plan to attend please RSVP by email here so we can get an approximate head count for lunch
The event will run from 8:00-12:00 followed by lunch for those attending. This event will focus on cleanup activities in the back lot. Our goal is to improve access and utilization for our members and guests. We will be doing small tree and shrub removal, trash collection and consolidation of abandoned boat parts and other items for recycle/reuse.
Please bring the following if available:
pole saw
This will be a great opportunity to support the club and spend a day with friends while we wait for warmer weather and smooth sailing. Please plan to meet at 8:00 in the back lot so we can assign teams and areas to make to most of the time we have.
The WSC Annual Meeting and Oyster Roast will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023. Oyster Roast starts at 12:30. Annual Shareholders meeting will be at 1:30. Brunswick Stew (no shellfish or oysters) will be provided for non oyster folks. Bring a side or desert.
See you there! Bill
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