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Indian Summer Regatta

You can Register Now (click me)!

Waccamaw Sailing Club is excited and pleased to announce our 50th Annual Indian Summer Regatta, to be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 5 & 6 with a free welcome party Friday October 4.

Please come out and join us for some great racing, a delicious Saturday night dinner with all the fixin’s, snacks & drinks available all day Saturday & light breakfast planned for Saturday and Sunday morning. Live music, general sailor-talk and tall tales are planned for Saturday night.

Registration includes participation in the event, 1 dinner ticket for Saturday night and 1 tee shirt. (please indicate size at checkout) Additional dinner tickets ($20.00 ea.) and shirts ($15-$17) are available at the “Event Store” or at check out, or at the event while supplies last.

All classes that can be scored using the Portsmouth Yardstick are welcome – three or more boats of the same class will be scored One-Design, and others will be scored Open Portsmouth. Awards will be given based on registered boats – the more boats in a class, the deeper the awards! (See the Notice Of Race for details.)

A limited number of tent only camping sites are available on-site, lakeside at no charge on a first-come basis.Due to space limitations, no trailers, van campers or motor homes are allowed on the front lot, lakeside, however additional space for approximately 6 trailers or van/motor home type campers is available in our back lot area about 200 yards away also at no charge. Bathroom and shower facilities are available at the club.

Additional primitive camping is available across the lake at the State Park. Hotels, Air B&B and restaurants are all available nearby.

Let’s celebrate the 4th on the 6th!

Free, but please RSVP for head count.


Let’s celebrate the 4th of July on Saturday the 6th of July by getting as many sailboats as we can out on the lake. 

Bring a friend.  Bring your family.  This won’t be a race, just fun and fellowship at Waccamaw Sailing Club and all boat types are welcome.

Hotdogs and Hamburgers will be provided. Bring a side or desert to share and the beverage of your choice.  We will eat between 5:30 and 6:00 so everyone will have time for a good sail and those traveling home will not be too late getting home.  Saturday the 13th will be the make-up date if we have bad weather on the 6th.


Bill Purcell

Hobie Island Waccamaw Weekend recap

The second annual Hobie Island Waccamaw Weekend at Lake Waccamaw, NC May 31 thru June 2 was EPIC!

19 Hobie Tandem Islands and Adventure Islands registered, up 5 from last year. The event was also supported by local Hobie dealer Sail and Ski Connection of Myrtle Beach SC who was set up on site demonstrating Hobie kayaks and paddleboards and offering technical and repair support for the Island sailors.

Sailors started arriving as early as Tuesday May 28, but all had arrived by Friday afternoon to set up and secure a weekend parking spot on the beach for their boats. Many took advantage of a delightful late afternoon breeze for a leisurely sail before the Welcome Party which started about 6:00pm and was the official event kickoff.

Saturday dawned to perfect temperatures, and absolutely no wind! The race officials, Philippe and DeeDee Laurent, who had been tracking the forecast for days, were confident that southeasterly winds would arrive mid-late afternoon and postponed the start of racing until 2:30pm. Sailors passed the time eating, socializing and trying out the kayaks and paddleboards provided by Sail & Ski Connection. A triangular course (upwind, broad reach, broad reach) of 0.3 mile legs was set up and 15 Hobie Islands and 2 monohulls, a Holder 14 and Holder 20 (both also built by Hobie) took to the course.

At the starting horn of the first race, boats were off to a slow-motion crawl across the glass-smooth lake. 0-4 knot conditions persisted throughout the first and second race. Suddenly as most sailors were rounding the second mark or headed down the last leg of the second race you could hear shouts of “here comes the wind”. Within seconds the wind went from 0-4 knots from the East to 10-14 knots from the South… and they were off!

What followed was about 90 minutes of flying hulls, snapping sails and the kind of windy, wet and wonderful racing fun sailors live for, doing three more races, one of which was two laps. About 6:30 p.m., at the end of the 5th race for the day, sailors emerged from the lake, hungry, tired, soaked to the skin, and grinning ear to ear. Once dried off, everyone partied until 10:00 p.m., many wearing festive Hawaiian shirts, enjoying a delicious catered dinner and live music provided by Curtis McIntyre.

Sunday’s winds were steady at about 8 knots offering near perfect conditions. Sailors participated in a pursuit style race, leaving the dock about 9:40 a.m. and rounding marks set up in a 6.3-mile course around the lake. A few non-Island boats from the sailing club joined the pursuit. The first sailors to cross the finish line (doing two laps instead of one!) were Philippe and DeeDee Laurent (Saturday’s race officials) in their F18 catamaran (no surprise there). The first Island sailor to cross was the line on Sunday was Russell Galvan who usually also sails an F18 but was trying out a borrowed Adventure Island for the first time. One Tandem Island crew member called ashore to say their boat was taking on water, and the safety boat brought the crew in while towing the boat behind. Otherwise, the race was completed in Bristol fashion. The day ended with happy sailors, a good lunch, the prize ceremony and promises to come back next year, June 6-8, 2025 for the Third Annual Event!

The winners:

Tandem Island Division:      1st Place: Ben Tuval           2nd Place: George Morgan

Adventure Island Division: 1st Place: Mark McKay      2nd Place: Beth Cribb

Congratulations all!! Looking forward to next year…