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Make Up RACE!

August 15th will be a make-up race for June. After having 11 boats at the start line, the June race had to be cancelled due to lightning. We will be making up that date on Saturday August 15 with a 2pm start. Please note this is one hour earlier due to the Shrimp Boil. It does not matter; national champion or novice, there will be someone on your level to run against. Racing is a great way to improve your skill set and the leaders are always happy to answer questions and offer support when asked. We hope to see you at the start line!!!

Shrimp Boil & Make Up Race

August 15 we will hold our annual shrimp boil and have a make up club race for June which was cancelled due to lightning. This will be a busy day and we can use all the help we can get. We plan to start the race at 2pm if we have wind in an effort to end early to prepare for the cook out. If you do not plan to race and can help with set up, please contact David McLamb for details. The shrimp boil is open to all members and is an event you do not want to miss! The menu consist of salad, shrimp, red potatoes, and corn. Just bring your beverage and optional dessert to share for a fun evening at the club. {article Race Weekend}{title} {text} {readmore}{/article}

Race Weekend

Next Club Race June 27

Last race weekend we had a field of 9 boats and for June races we are looking for 12! join us for a great day on the water and invitre a potental member to come. After the race we will share appetizers and then have a joint pot luck dinner with the members of the campground. This is bring your own and share with a new friend format. Hope to see you there.
