The 2016 Club Racing series is underway… come join us for an afternoon of racing!
Our next club race is scheduled for SATURDAY, April 23. The first race starts at 3pm.
It is our tradition to bring an appetizer to share and whatever beverage you wish. Join us for the fun and a few lies from sailors as to how well they sailed that day! This is a great opportunity to invite a potential members to visit.
Mark your Calendar! Saturday April 9th starting at 9am will be spring cleanup at the club.
We will be mowing, raking, power washing, plumbing repairs, deck board replacement, painting, and a lot of sprucing up for the season. Bring your gloves, hammer, wrench, wheelbarrow, power washer, mower and anything that will clean or repair something. If you don’t have the tools bring your gloves and come on, we will have plenty of work to do.
Lunch will be hotdogs, chips, beans, drinks provided by the club. Feel free to add to the gourmet lunch with salads and or desserts.
Waccamaw Sailing Club, Inc. PO Box 2323 Whiteville, NC 28472
The WSC annual meeting will be held on November 14, 2015 at 6:00 PM.
The meeting will be held at Columbus County Arts Council building in downtown Whiteville located at 822 South Madison Street (2 blocks south of the railroad) located across from Sherwin Williams Paint Store. Dinner will be catered and is likely to cost $12 per person, children $6. Wine and cheese reception free!
Program may include photoshow of WSC activities and possibly clips from other extreme sailing or cruising adventures.
Good fellowship is the order of the day, with sailing awards, year in review, and Elections of 2016 Class of Directors. Come prepared to share your thoughts about enticements to greater participation in 2016.
The only scheduled item of business is the election of members of the Board Directors.
Please RETURN by EMAIL to the below proxy form. Mark your attendance, meal count, your proxy preference, and sign where indicated. Be sure to verify contact info with current name, address, phones, and email address even if you do use the voting proxy.