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Category: News

Club Races: July 28

The 2018 Summer Series Club Racing series continues on Saturday, July 28… come join us for an afternoon of racing! The Captain’s meeting is at 2pm.

As it is every club race, it is our tradition to bring an appetizer to share and whatever beverage you wish. Join us for the fun and a few lies from sailors as to how well they sailed that day! Additionally, this is a great opportunity to invite potential members to visit.

In the goal of enabling all the racers to participate in each race day, we are hoping to have a committee of volunteers to run the Race Committee for each of our club races, and we hope to have at least four additional volunteers (barge + safety boat) for each race day.

Please sign up online (on the website, under the Racing > Volunteer for RC) regarding your availability to help on July 28 and/or any subsequent race weekend in the future. Of course, if you’re having trouble logging in, I’ll be happy to help with that as well.

We look forward to seeing you Saturday July 28!


Shrimparoo… and steak!! August 11

This year’s Shrimparoo will take place Saturday, August 11th. We will prepare a low-country boil with hand-cut steaks this year!. The cost will be $25 per person and we plan to serve at 5:00. We are considering this to be a fundraising event to help offset the cost of replacing the oldest portions of our pier.

Tell your friends, bring a guest, and come on out early to enjoy the club or perhaps get in a little time on the water!

To purchase tickets online (which helps us out in a big way with purchasing just the right amount of food), please visit our event page.

Club Races: June 23

The 2018 Summer Series Club Racing series continues on Saturday, June 23… come join us for an afternoon of racing! The Captain’s meeting is at 2pm.

As it is every club race, it is our tradition to bring an appetizer to share and whatever beverage you wish. Join us for the fun and a few lies from sailors as to how well they sailed that day! Additionally, this is a great opportunity to invite potential members to visit.

In the goal of enabling all the racers to participate in each race day, we are hoping to have a committee of volunteers to run the Race Committee for each of our club races, and we hope to have at least four additional volunteers (barge + safety boat) for each race day.

Please sign up online (on the website, under the Racing > Volunteer for RC) regarding your availability to help on June 23 and/or any subsequent race weekend in the future. Of course, if you’re having trouble logging in, I’ll be happy to help with that as well.

We look forward to seeing you Saturday June 23!
