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2018 Shareholders meeting

Notice of 2018 Shareholder’s Meeting.

The WSC membership and annual stockholders meeting will be held on Sat., November 10, 2018 at 6 PM.

The meeting will be held at Dale’s Seafood Restaurant at 107 South JK Powell Blvd (US 701 ByPass) in Whiteville. We will be ordering from the menu offering a variety of seafood and steaks and each will pay their own bill. Dress is casual.

Elections of 2019 class of Directors, sailing awards, year in review, and good fellowship is the order of the day.

There will be reports on the damage to the club facilities from Hurricane Florence, plans for and estimates of the costs of repairs, and discussion regarding methods to provide for repairs and their costs.

The only scheduled item of business is the election of members of the Board Directors.

Please Fill out and RETURN the below form, even if you plan to attend. Mark your planned attendance for meal count, your proxy preference if not attending and sign where indicated. Be sure to update the return email with current name, address, phones, and email address. Add any other information.

You may RESPOND by return EMAIL of notice to or by TEXT to 910-641-7060, or by PHONE call to cell # 910-641-7060, by mail to PO Box 2323, Whiteville 28472.

Butch Blanchard


PROXY AND INFORMATION UPDATEAttending Meeting:     Yes #_____;   No ___.
In my absence at the Waccamaw Sailing Club annual meeting, this Proxy gives the WSC Board of Directors
or the designated stockholder here Named ____________________ the voting rights for my ____ shares of WSC stock in any matter that might properly come before the shareholders for a vote.  If I am in attendance the proxy will be void.

Indian Summer Regatta Canceled


Unfortunately, we have decided to cancel this year’s Indian Summer Regatta scheduled for October 13-14, 2018. After an assessment of the sailing club we do not feel that we can safely host an event nor can we feel confident putting sailors on the water. There is still a concern of submerged debris, and the club is in need of repairs that will likely exceed the time period we have remaining. In addition, many of our members were severely impacted by this storm.

We were able to get quite a bit accomplished on a short-notice workday over the weekend, but the fact of the matter is that there is still much to be done. Hurricane Florence was a very significant event for the Lake Waccamaw community and surrounding areas, but we will recover and continue to be the hub of sailing activity on the lake. The club racing series has consequently ended for the 2018 calendar, but our annual Oyster Roast and Shareholder’s Meeting will remain as scheduled until further notice.

In lieu of hosting a regatta, we plan to make that Saturday an additional workday for members that are available. Details will be provided ASAP.

Our thoughts continue to be with those of you that are recovering from this storm. Please contact the club if you need anything, to include a wellness check on your boat.


James Autry
Vice Commodore

Indian Summer Regatta 2018

Our Indian Summer Regatta is October 13-14th. This is our 45th annual open-invitational regatta and we are expecting a great turnout. All classes are welcome!

Please come out and join us for some great racing, a delicious BBQ and Fried Chicken Sat. night dinner with all the fixin’s, and general sailor-talk around the club. It’s going to be a blast!

Even if you aren’t racing, we encourage members and guests to join us for Saturday’s dinner. Dinner tickets are available for $15 each for a good ole’ Southern feast. We promise you won’t be disappointed.

Tell your friends and let’s make this one for the books!!!

The NOR and Registration form are available. Registration opens July 31st, 2018. Online registration will be available, or forms/payment may be sent by mail. Please pre-register before October 1st, if possible. This will ensure that we have correct quantities of t-shirts, food, and awards.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact us… we can use your help!

Please contact the club if you have any questions.

Sign up online today!