We are planning to have a pursuit sail on Saturday afternoon June 29th with Captains meeting starting at 2 pm. We plan to start the slower boats first and followed by the faster boats later. Each boat will get an individual start time to push off from our dock. We plan to do a large triangular course around the lake. Our course around the lake should be without a lot of or any tacking and will finish in front of our boat club. First boat starts at 3 PM, This should be a great sail for our larger Sailboats. We will have our customary pot-luck after the finish, so come and join us on Saturday, 29 June.
Join WSC Saturday June 22 around 6:30 after the club race for a great steak dinner! David will be carving New York Strips for you to grill to your perfect temperature. There will also be baked potato and a tossed salad. You are invited to bring a dessert to share and your favorite beverage. This is a great time to invite potential members to the club. The charge is $10 each for adults and $7 for kids under 12. Enjoy a great day of sailing or racing and end with great fellowship with friends.
Please advise David by email or call no later than Noon Friday if you plan to attend. David McLamb david@poteathospitality.com Phone 910-280-3735
The 2019 Summer Series Club Racing series continues on June 22… come join us for an afternoon of racing! The Captain’s meeting is at 2pm.
At 11AM, we will be holding a seminar covering the rules (keeping things as simple as possible) of racing, as well some lesson plans and (maybe) drills on starting a race and negotiating the course and other boats on the course. We hope to cover all of these items and more to get you on the race course. The best way to become a better sailor is to sharpen your skills with racing!
The goal is to enable all the racers the ability to participate on each race day, so we need to have a committee of volunteers to run the Race Committee for each of our club races. Ideally, a Race Committee should have a leader (Primary Race Officer) as well as four additional volunteers (barge + safety boat) for each race day to allow us to have an easy (for the Race Committee) and fun (for all) day.
If you think that being the Primary Race Officer for the season sounds like something you would like to tackle, please let me know. It isn’t hard, and we’re not requiring official certification of any sort. We just need someone who wants to take charge and organize that day’s racing course and start/finish line duties.
Please contact me regarding your availability for Race Committee on the 22nd of June. Alternatively you can sign up on the WSC web site.
Philippe Racing Guy
ps. Our STEAK DINNER will also be this evening!! Stay tuned for more information.
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