The last of the racing of the 2019 Summer Series Club Racing series is on September 28th… come join us for an afternoon of racing! The Captain’s meeting is at 2pm.
At 11AM on Saturday, Gene Miller will be holding the popular beginner’s racing seminar covering the rules (keeping things as simple as possible) of racing, as well some lesson plans and (maybe) drills on starting a race and negotiating the course and other boats on the course. The hope is to cover all of these items and more to get you on the race course. The best way to become a better sailor is to sharpen your skills with racing!
Our goal is to enable all the racers to participate on each race day, so as always we need to have a committee of volunteers to run the Race Committee for each of our club races.
Deidra is cooking up some tacos for our post-racing social. She and Dan are supplying the chicken and the Taco shells. DeeDee is bringing seasoned beef for the tacos. Please coordinate with Deidra either through email ( or through the site’s Facebook page so that you could plan your contributions to the meal.
The 2019 Summer Series Club Racing series continues on August 24th… come join us for an afternoon of racing! The Captain’s meeting is at 2pm.
At 11AM on Saturday, Gene Miller will be holding the popular beginner’s racing seminar covering the rules (keeping things as simple as possible) of racing, as well some lesson plans and (maybe) drills on starting a race and negotiating the course and other boats on the course. The hope is to cover all of these items and more to get you on the race course. The best way to become a better sailor is to sharpen your skills with racing!
Our goal is to enable all the racers to participate on each race day, so as always we need to have a committee of volunteers to run the Race Committee for each of our club races.
Deidra is cooking up some tacos for our post-racing social. She and Dan are supplying the chicken and the Taco shells. DeeDee is bringing seasoned beef for the tacos. Please coordinate with Deidra either through email ( or through the site’s Facebook page so that you could plan your contributions to the meal.
Philippe Racing Guy
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