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Spring Clean Up Day Is Rescheduled for Saturday March 29

Saturday March 29 8:00 am through about 12:00 noon. 

Rain date is Saturday April 4, same hours

If it rains, we will make a postponement decision by about 7:00 am and post on facebook page and try to send out an email to everyone.

We will be working on the usual clean-up duties such as cleaning the kitchen and pavilion, knocking down cobwebs, cleaning the beach and front lot. 

In addition, here is a partial list of projects we will be working on:

  • Cut down small shrubs on back lot so it can be more easily mowed
  • Build shelved in container for un-named sails
  • Relocate sails without names to new container shelves in back lot
  • Clear path to canal for proposed bridge
  • Move & realign some boats on the back lit to create a center aisle

Please bring any tools or cleaning supplies that would he helpful for these projects if you have them. 

We are planning to provide burgers and dogs for lunch… any side dish or dessert you bring will be appreciated!