Post-racing Social
Waccamaw Sailing Club 3100 Canal Cove Road, Lake Waccamaw, NC, United StatesBring something to share with everyone!
Bring something to share with everyone!
Saturday October 5th will be our next work-day. Follow this link for a list of jobs and tools that will be needed. Please confirm your attendance and tools to be providedDavid McLamb Commodore Waccamaw Sailing Club 910-280-3735
Bring something to share with everyone!
Bring something to share with everyone!
Bring something to share with everyone!
This event has been canceled. Bring something to share with everyone!
Bring something to share with everyone!
Bring something to share with everyone!
Saturday Nov 7th is another clean-up day at the club. We will start at 9am –until… I have attached a list outlining the tools needed. Please any you have available and come prepared to work. A lite lunch will be provided. A team leader will be assigned to each job. Cut Trees Cut trees […]